


Dyslexia (What Do You Know About?) - Pages of factual information alternate with stories told in comic-strip form, which are followed by an analysis of the characters' thoughts and emotions.


The Dyslexic Scholar: Helping Your Child Succeed in the School System - Veteran educator Kathleen Nosek tells parents the secrets to successfully naviagating today's school system and ensuring that dyslexic children receive the quality education they are entitled to by law. Includes a definition of dyslexia, how to identify it, how to get your child evaluated and more.

Smart but Feeling Dumb: The Challenging New Research on Dyslexia-And How It May Help You - Twenty percent of the world's population suffers from dyslexia, a learning disorder characterized by reading, writing, and spelling reversals. This study offers hope and encouragement to those afflicted, presenting crucial insights into the problem, as well as new chapters on attention deficit syndrome and hyperactivity.


The Upside-Down Kids: Helping Dyslexic Children Understand Themselves and Their Disorder - Dr. Levinson, a psychiatrist and clinician, is one of the country's foremost practitioners in the field of dyslexia. Upside Down Kids is a book that for the first time will explain this very complex condition to the children who suffer from it.


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