Sun, the Rain, and the Insulin : Growing Up with Diabetes -
An unusual diabetes education book that brings together the elements
of this chronic disease and family interactions. The reader meets
six families that are striving to meet the demands of diabetes in
childhood. It is not a diabetes manual, but instead an easy read
in a novel-like presentation. It should be read by not only families
that are dealing with this disease daily, but by the extended families,
the teachers, the family friends, and any who interact with these
children. This book will raise the appreciation for their difficult
struggle and does it in an emotional and unique way. It also is
a valuable book for students and providers of healthcare such as
medical social workers, psychologists, nurses, medical students,
and primary care physicians.
a Child Has Diabetes - Comprehensive guide includes case histories,
charts and diagrams, and tips on day-to-day living. Addresses what
Type 1 diabetes is and how it is controlled, management, helping
a young child deal with this condition, family issues, and complications.