By Suzanne Ripley
I join one of these groups?
When considering membership in one or more parent/disability groups,
it is helpful to review your personal needs. Are you looking for
moral support or advocacy training? Do you want to get to know other
families who have a child like yours? Do you need a course in sign
language or a playgroup for your three-year-old? Are you interested
in hearing speakers on special education and disability topics?
Are you interested in becoming involved in local decision-making
processes for school and disability issues? Would you like to receive
a newsletter on disability topics?
answers to these questions may help you decide which, if any, group
you should join. You may need to join only one group (such as the
local chapter of national parent group such as United Cerebral Palsy
Association or The Arc) to get all the information you need. Or
you may need to join more than one group, if you have more than
one need or interest. For example, you might wish to join a national
parent group and a local preschool parent group. The national parent's
group may provide you with a newsletter concerning local, state
and national issues. The preschool parent group, on the other hand,
may have established a child care co-op and hold birthday parties
for each of the children. The goals of these two groups are different,
but together they may meet the variety of needs you have identified
for your family.
yourself, what kind of a "joiner" are you? Are you more comfortable
with formal organizations or do you prefer less structure? Consider
the types of groups around you and decide where you would feel most
comfortable. In the process of exploring parent organizations, remember
that you can always attend one or two meetings before agreeing to
join. If you are interested in joining but can't afford the dues,
most groups can offer reduced fee memberships or free membership
to those who need it. These are all people who can understand unique
situations; talk to them about any special arrangements you might
need to participate. Also remember that sometimes the best way to
get involved with a new group of people is to volunteer to take
an active role in some activity. By being a participant you will
meet other members and learn more about the goals and functions
of the organization.
if there isn't a group in the area that meets my family's needs?
times there is no local group that meets your family's needs. While
it may always be worthwhile to join a far-away group to get its
newsletter or other information by mail, you may still want to have
a group of local people to work within your community to address
the needs you have identified. When the need for a group is identified,
and there are people who want to see such a group in their area,
then it's time to get together and start your own organization.
This takes work, but it can certainly be done.
do we decide what kind of group to form?
by answering these questions.
What is the primary purpose of this group?
- What
other purposes are there?
- What
schools, disabilities, age groups, and geographical areas would
you cover?
- Who
would join this group?
- How
will you communicate with or reach these people?
What is the underlying philosophy of the members?
- What
are your goals for this year? Can you list them in order of importance?
- When
do you want to meet?
- How
often do you want to meet?
- Where
do you want to meet?
Who will lead the meetings?
- Will
you need to raise any money and charge dues or solicit contributions?
answering these questions, you may think of additional questions,
but this list should certainly get you started.